LaRue Wunderlich

1933 - 2021

LaRue Wunderlich, 88, died June 27, at her home in Lincoln. Many will remember LaRue for her work leading to the creation of a statewide public radio network as the Executive Director of Nebraskans for Public Radio đź”— .

As Nebraska inaugurated the statewide public radio network in 1990, the Lincoln Journal-Star noted, “at one time or another, she faced opposition composed of Nebraska’s commercial broadcasters, the governor, most of the Legislature, the state education commissioner, the University of Nebraska Board of Regents and several of the state’s major daily newspapers.” Yet today, through “the perseverance of a single dedicated person,” a statewide network broadcasts to all Nebraskans. Her contribution to public media led to her appointment to the Nebraska Telecommunications Commission in 1991 through 1998, the latter years serving as Chair or Vice-Chair.

Laura LaRue Nelson, born in Burwell to Leo and Glo Garnick Nelson, attended the University of Nebraska –Lincoln before marrying Deon Wunderlich of Roca in 1952. LaRue and her husband shared a fervent interest in public affairs and causes, each running for office and serving on boards, commissions, and campaigns.

In 1969 she was the Editor of Nebraska’s National Farm Organization newspaper, the iNFOrmer; in 1972, she first registered as a lobbyist for the Woman’s Lobby, Inc. By 1974 she made her first bid for public office, appeared in an ETV film “The Questioning Women” and became a board member and lobbyist for the Nebraska Lutheran Legislative Caucus.

In 1976 LaRue ran for Lancaster County Weed Control Authority, campaigning on the dangers of misuse and overuse of pesticides, especially to women and children. It was a close election, concluding on Christmas eve after a recount showed a 26-vote victory. She served until the devolution of the board in 1984.

LaRue began a fruitful career with the Nebraska Unicameral in 1982, serving first as assistant to State Senator George Burrows of Adams. She later served as Clerk of the Education Committee for Senators Ron Withem of Papillion, Ardyce Bohlke of Hastings, and Ron Raikes of Ashland.

LaRue’s persistent and heartfelt commitment to great causes had a lighter side. In 1996 she accepted an appointment the Pocket Gopher Scalp Bounty Advisory Commission, a tongue-in-cheek project by then County Commissioner Kandra Hahn to expose outdated county resolutions. In 1998, local news featured her annual Left-Handers Day Party held near the capitol at Billy's Restaurant, and every year she made lively contributions to the Unicameral’s sine die activities.

LaRue leaves her sons Lee and Dale (Huajun C); granddaughter, Pamela; and grandsons, Joel, Craig, Jason, Benjamin, and Drake. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, and eldest son, Wade.

A memorial gathering of friends, family, and colleagues will be held on Aug 14th at Billy’s, 1301 H St, Lincoln, 1 to 5 pm. No other services will be held as LaRue donated her body to science through the Nebraska Anatomical Board. Memorials to Center for Rural Affairs, or Nebraskans for Peace.